Blog : Announcement

Bank of Canada Rate Announcement Mar 9th, 2016

Bank of Canada Rate Announcement Mar 9th, 2016

The Bank of Canada today announced that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1/2 per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 3/4 per cent and the deposit rate is 1/4 per cent.

The global economy is progressing largely as the Bank anticipated in its January Monetary Policy Report (MPR). Financial market volatility, reflecting heightened concerns about economic momentum, appears to be abating. Although downside risks remain, the Bank still expects global growth to strengthen this year and next. Recent data indicate that the U.S. expansion remains broadly on track. At the same time, the low level of oil prices will continue to dampen growth in Canada and other energy-producing countries.

Prices of oil and other commodities have rebounded in recent weeks. In this context, and in light of shifting expectations for monetary policy in Canada and the United States, the Canadian dollar has appreciated from its recent lows. With these movements, both the price of oil and the exchange rate have averaged close to levels assumed in the January MPR.

Canada’s GDP growth in the fourth quarter was not as weak as expected, but the near-term outlook for the economy remains broadly the same as in January. National employment has held up despite job losses in resource-intensive regions, and household spending continues to underpin domestic demand. Non-energy exports are gathering momentum, particularly in sectors that are sensitive to exchange rate movements. However, overall business investment remains very weak due to retrenchment in the resource sector.

Inflation in Canada is evolving broadly as anticipated. The factors that pushed total CPI inflation up to 2 per cent will likely unwind in the months ahead. Measures of core inflation are at or just below 2 per cent, boosted by the temporary effects of past exchange rate depreciation. Material excess capacity in the Canadian economy will continue to dampen inflation.

An assessment of the impact of the upcoming federal budget’s fiscal measures will be incorporated into the Bank’s April projection. All things considered, the risks to the profile for inflation are roughly balanced. Meanwhile, financial vulnerabilities continue to edge higher, in part due to regional shifts in activity associated with the structural adjustment underway in Canada’s economy. The Bank’s Governing Council judges that the overall balance of risks remains within the zone for which the current stance of monetary policy is appropriate, and the target for the overnight rate remains at 1/2 per cent.

Read the official press release here.

Here are the remaining announcement dates for 2016:

  • Wednesday 13 April*
  • Wednesday 25 May
  • Wednesday 13 July*
  • Wednesday 7 September
  • Wednesday 19 October*
  • Wednesday 7 December

*Monetary Policy Report published

All rate announcements will be made at 10:00 (ET), and the Monetary Policy Report will continue to be published concurrently with the April, July, and October rate announcements.

Bank of Canada Rate Announcement Jan 20th, 2016

Bank of Canada Rate Announcement Jan 20th, 2016

Amidst much speculation, the Bank of Canada announced today that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1/2 per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 3/4 per cent and the deposit rate is 1/4 per cent.

It appears 2016 is picking up where 2015 left off, with no change to interest rates by the Bank of Canada. Although this may appear to be non-news, given the volatility of the Canadian economy with the price of oil and the loonie continuing downward, sometimes doing nothing says a lot.

“Prices for oil and other commodities have declined further and this represents a setback for the Canadian economy. GDP growth likely stalled in the fourth quarter of 2015, pulled down by temporary softness in the U.S. economy, weaker business investment and several other temporary factors. The Bank now expects the economy’s return to above-potential growth to be delayed until the second quarter of 2016.”

Here are the remaining announcement dates for 2016:

  • Wednesday 9 March
  • Wednesday 13 April*
  • Wednesday 25 May
  • Wednesday 13 July*
  • Wednesday 7 September
  • Wednesday 19 October*
  • Wednesday 7 December

*Monetary Policy Report published

All rate announcements will be made at 10:00 (ET), and the Monetary Policy Report will continue to be published concurrently with the April, July, and October rate announcements.

Although it appears to be steady as she goes, hold on to your hat, 2016 appears to be an economic storm (or at the very least a media frenzy).

Here is a copy of the full Bank of Canada announcement.

Bank of Canada Rate Announcement Jan 20th 2016

With a copy of the Monetary Policy for your reference.

Monetary Policy Report – January 2016