New Home Buyers

I love working with first-time buyers and making the transaction as simple as possible for them. It can often seem like a daunting task; this big unknown and wondering if – and how much – you can qualify for.

My approach is a little different than others. Many buyers come to me with a purchase price in mind which is not a bad place to start depending on how much number-crunching you’ve already done. I like to start with how much you are ready to spend every month, and then look to the amount available for down payment. Combining these factors with different rates, terms and amortizations available, we’ll determine a purchase price that will match your desired monthly budget. Sometimes it’s more than the original purchase price you had in mind, and sometimes it’s less!

One thing is for sure, in today’s market many people qualify for way more than what they actually want to pay every month.

Beyond being the largest purchase/investment that people make, buying a home is also one of the the biggest “memory makers” you will have. The decision to buy the right house is much more than a mathematical equation!

Having moved a few times myself, owning both a new construction and resale, I love to help clients look beyond the “structure”.

My wife and I are both teachers and came to Mat as first-time home buyers. With all the paperwork and details associated with the purchase of a new home, we were thankful to have Mat arrange our mortgage for us. He educated us on the various mortgage options and was readily available to field questions (of which there were many). This was especially helpful when a problem arose with our application to CMHC. Mat was quick to deal with the issue, inform us of our alternatives, and ultimately got us a more suitable mortgage for our needs. Thanks Mat!

– Nathan and Dawn, Guelph, Ontario