Investment Opportunites

Historically, Canadians have had a “hate” relationship with their mortgages and have sought to pay them off as soon as possible. With the low rates of the last decade, many Canadians have started looking at their homes as a means to potentially create income. Once you have built up significant equity in your house, there are a number of opportunities that present themselves to make your property work for you such as: the purchase of investment properties, new business ventures and varying investment opportunities. This potential extra income can be great when rainy days come.

Everyone has an appetite for something different, so my goal is never to tell you what to do with your money but to listen to your needs and passions, and secure a mortgage product for you that will help achieve your goals.

If you are interested in investing in private mortgages, I have experience in private lending and would be happy to discuss the options available with you, as well as the risks and returns.

We have worked with Mat Fugere for many years. As real estate investors who own a number of properties, we fit into the “tricky” category, where our real estate portfolio is “too big to be small” and “too small to be big.” We love working with Mat because we can always be completely honest and transparent about our position and he is consistently able to present several options for consideration. Mat consistently comes to the table with everything you’d expect from a mortgage broker (professionalism, quick turn-around time and execution); in addition, Mat is creative, and not afraid of situations that might seem difficult to other brokers. That’s what makes him unique – he has never shied away from any project that we’ve tried to do (big or small) – and he’s made deals happen when we weren’t sure they could happen. Most importantly, Mat is a man of integrity. His word and his handshake mean a lot. What he says, he does. If he can’t make it happen, he won’t tell you he can.
In a nutshell, we are very thankful to have met and worked with Mat. Over the years, he has grown from a mortgage broker into a trusted advisor and friend. We’d recommend him highly.
– Jeff and Andrea, real estate investors